About Endeavour Chorus


We are an auditioned mixed voice barbershop chorus. Our focus is on high quality singing, through intensive weekend rehearsals (typically every 6-8 weeks), personal commitment and coaching, with an aim of competing against other top choruses. The aims of the chorus are:-
  • To have fun singing well
  • To elevate the current standards of mixed barbershop singing
  • To have focussed weekend rehearsals with top coaches
  • To compete at a national and international level


The idea for a new chorus was conceived by a group of talented singers and friends. We wanted to spend more time singing together and improve the standard of mixed choruses, providing a different option for those who wanted to join this new movement.


Membership of the chorus is open to all, based on the completion of a successful audition. Although the chorus is predominantly based in the UK, we welcome any members who can commit to learning songs and attending rehearsals.


Rehearsals take place at weekends, up to six times a year, dependent on competitions and performances. We aim to compete at european based barbershop conventions with mixed chorus competitions.


Rehearsals are not at a fixed location; however, we often rehearse in Harpenden, Hertfordshire. The location of our rehearsals are always in the UK, close to an international airport. The exact location of rehearsals will depend on the composition of the chorus - chorus members can bid to "host" any rehearsal, and will be supported logistically by the committee.